Competitor Website Analysis

Ever wonder why a particular competitor always ranks better for certian keywords than you do? We can tell you!

Research and Analysis

What makes for successful Internet marketing? Competitor research and analysis. For your website to be found easily it has to rank well. The websites you see in the returned search results for a keyword or phrase that are above and below your website are your competitors.

What You Need to Know About Your Competitors

Once you have a list of competitors, you can begin to analyze their sites.

  • Home Page
  • Site Navigation
  • Organization
  • Headings and Titles
  • Content
  • Presentation
  • Keywords
  • Search Results
  • Site Performance
  • Link Popularity

Your Competitors Keywords and Phrases

Using special software, we analyze their primary pages building a list search keywords and phrases. We evaluate their performance and determine how they compare to other sites competing for the same terms. We then provide you with a list of search terms especially tailored for your site, in order of potential ranking performance on the various engines. In consultation with you, we revise and streamline the list to come up with the best search terms for your site.